
【莱戈拉斯BG】Erraghh lorin bit mik in strah [spin-off]

Serafina's diary 6

Third Age, 154    Silver Rain    third moon    fourth day of the newing
I saw an elf today. he's very lovely, and very cute, too, although he is older than me. I found him in the woods alone. he said his name was Greenleaf, and he ran away from home because his ada (he told me that's how elves call their father) didn't let him join the guard. we played together until nightfall. for the first time since I was brought back to life, I felt carefree and happy. when I told Airilla about him, she was terrified. she worried that he would expose our presence. but somehow, I felt that he wouldn't, and I could trust him. Airilla told Joss, who decided that we should leave Mirkwood for a while. 



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